ARMA GALLERY - Contemporary Art - Kyte Tatt - Poetry of Movement

Kyte Tatt: The Poetry of Movement

Kyte Tatt, a self-taught American artist based in Berlin, Germany, creates work that merges abstract and impressionist elements, striking a delicate balance between spontaneity and control. His art transports viewers to a realm where imagination and reality blend harmoniously through color, line, and brushstroke.

Kyte describes his creative process as a reaction to the pressures of a deteriorating world, likening the creation of his works to the formation of diamonds: “Just as diamonds are formed through intense and prolonged pressure on decaying matter, my creations are shaped by the intense and prolonged pressures of a decaying world.”

In his own words, Kyte characterizes his style as gestural, straddling the line between abstraction and figuration, balancing chaos and order. He employs expressive and vigorous strokes that convey an immediacy and strength, reflecting the essence of nature. His creative approach is driven primarily by intuition, developing a methodology that allows him to make impulsive strokes and discern what the painting wants to become. In his art, nature and its transformative power play a crucial role, expressing both the beauty and fragility of life.

ARMA GALLERY - Contemporary Art - Kyte Tatt - Poetry of Movement - 01
Get along little doggie, 2023. 84 x 59.4 cm

Kyte Tatt’s work is marked by a visceral and emotional approach, using vibrant colors and dynamic strokes that evoke a sense of immediacy and movement. His human figures, often depicted in vulnerable or contemplative poses, reveal a deep connection to the natural environment. Animals, portrayed in an expressionist style, appear to emerge from a state of metamorphosis, capturing the essence of transformation and adaptability in a changing world.

This October, from the 17th to the 20th, Kyte Tatt will participate in the Estampa art fair in Madrid with our gallery, where he will showcase a selection of his latest works. We invite everyone to explore his art at this exhibition.

View available works on Artsy. Click here

Location: C. de Valverde, 30. Entreplanta derecha. 28004, Madrid, Spain.

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