On Tuesday, June 6th, El Retiro Park transformed into the studio of renowned artist Elena Gual. The young artist, in collaboration with ARMA GALLERY, created an unforgettable experience: live portraits in the iconic El Retiro Park for all those who came to be portrayed. These portraits will be part of her series titled “People of Madrid” and will be exhibited in the artist’s first solo exhibition in Madrid, organized by ARMA GALLERY next September.
Elena Gual is undoubtedly one of the most prominent young artists in our country, with an international career that captivates audiences with her distinctive technique and themes. This Mallorcan artist stands out for her mastery of light, the human body, and the palette knife, which make her artworks unique and easily recognizable.
The Monument to Alfonso XI, located in Retiro Park, became the meeting point where Elena Gual brought to life live portraits of all those who wished to be portrayed by the artist and be part of her project. Influential individuals and several celebrities could be seen attending to be captured by the artist.
The exhibition will open on September 7th at Calle Jovellanos 7, offering viewers the opportunity to immerse themselves in Elena Gual’s world. In addition to the live portraits, the exhibition will showcase the artist’s most recent works, displaying her evolution and talent.