Forbes Spain: “Metamorfosis” by Elena Gual & Arma Gallery

ARMA GALLERY - Contemporary - Forbes Spain- Elena Gual - Metamorfosis - Madrid - 04

Forbes Spain was a part of the inauguration of artist Elena Gual’s exhibition in Madrid, sharing our event on both their social media and website. To find out more details about Elena Gual’s “Metamorphosis” exhibition, taking place from September 7th to 14th, we invite you to visit the following link on Tapas Magazine: Tapas Weekend: ¿qué hacer en Madrid? – Tapas (

ARMA GALLERY - Contemporary - Forbes Spain- Elena Gual - Metamorfosis - Madrid - 05
ARMA GALLERY - Contemporary - Forbes Spain- Elena Gual - Metamorfosis - Madrid - 01
ARMA GALLERY - Contemporary - Forbes Spain- Elena Gual - Metamorfosis - Madrid - 02

Furthermore, we offer you the opportunity to explore all the details related to this event on our official website, where you will find a wide range of information about the exhibition: Elena Gual Solo Show – Arma Gallery

We sincerely thank Forbes Spain for their contribution and support in promoting this exhibition, and we hope that all those interested can enjoy this experience.

ARMA GALLERY - Contemporary - Forbes Spain- Elena Gual - Metamorfosis - Madrid - 03

If you want to get the dossier of available artworks from any of our artists or obtain more information about our upcoming events, do not hesitate to contact us through