In the recent press release from the Platform of Contemporary Art (PAC), the spotlight is on the opening of the solo exhibition “All of Them and None” by the young Moldovan artist Natalia Romanciuc at ARMA Gallery, Madrid. The exhibition showcases large-format works, subjective expressionism, and ceramic pieces, some of which were created by the artist in Madrid during her visits to the gallery owner, Arena Martínez.
The curator, Inés Alonso Jarabo, describes Romanciuc’s work as a harmonization of the chaos of emotions through painting, delving into the intricate relationship between spirit and body. Natalia Romanciuc presents herself as an artist using art as a tool to cultivate personal spiritual development, exploring essence and inner vibrations. The exhibition will be open until February 23rd at ARMA Gallery. For more details, you can read the full article at the following link: PAC | Natalia Romanciuc en ARMA Gallery (