The magazine Fetén has published an article about Elena Gual’s solo exhibition in Madrid, titled “Metamorphosis,” presented by ARMA GALLERY. In the article, it tells us that the exhibition includes the series “People of Madrid,” portraying anonymous Madrilenians. Furthermore, in an exclusive interview with the artist, Elena Gual shares her inspiration and technique, highlighting her use of a palette knife instead of turpentine in oil painting. In her words, “The technique itself was basically caused by an unexpected accident, but it has really been the essence of my work.”
Her unique style has become her personal hallmark, and she aims for her works to be recognized by their style rather than her signature. As she explains in the interview, “More than a signature, it’s like my third hand, after all, it’s like a chef with their knives or a musician with their guitar.” In the faceless portraits that can be appreciated in the exhibition, it genuinely seems like they have facial features even though they don’t, as the artist explains: “What often happens, I think the artist very unconsciously in their head knows what they want to project, and they even visualize it before it’s there, so in the end, you are following a projection and tracing it, but that drawing is in your head.”
In the interview, the artist also emphasizes her desire to convey a sense of unity and support among women through her works, especially in the paintings depicting women of different skin colors coming together. She also mentions her choice to portray women with their eyes closed to convey a feeling of calmness and serenity. As she describes it herself, “Trying to convey this is a Gold in my career.
You can read the full article at the following link: